When I was little, I remember looking around at grown ups and thinking that they seemed like superheroes who had forgotten they had powers.

Adults had everything at their fingertips! They could drive cars and travel to anywhere in the world! They could eat whatever they wanted! They didn't have to spend all day in school! They could dye their hair crazy colours, or go become professional trampoline testers! No one could tell them what to do.

kid heros

(Can you tell I'm a delightfully bossy, first-born kid?)

While it sounds precious, on a basic level the sheer scale of choice that we have is absolutely mind-blowing when you think about it.

But now that I'm an adult, sometimes I forget my superpowers – and I bet you do too.

And we all know why we're forgetful. That much responsibility is too big, so we tackle it in bite sized bursts. We create habits and routines so we can free up our brains for bigger and better things.

And yet, nearly everything that you're doing today is your choice. You willed and wished and worked it into being.

And yes, some of that is messy and horrible. Some of it had unintended consequences and feels bad. But most of it, especially when you count the neutral stuff that works like a charm but passes by unnoticed?

Most of it is a loosely choreographed masterpiece that's kinda fucking show stopping.

Here's the tip of that superpower truth that we often forget:
  • You get to decide how much crazy you want in your life.
  • You can stop apologizing for yourself at any time.
  • You're allowed to throw habits & expectations that don't help you straight out the window.

And that's just the very beginning!

You have a superpower, and you get to choose if you're going to use it or fade into forgetfulness.

I hope you choose to use it.

If I could hand you a magic wand, what's one bad habit you'd kick or a good habit that you'd pick up?