Managing finances as a couple can be tricky business. In our house we've traded off being the breadwinner, we've saved, overspent, and tried lots of different methods for managing our money. Because we moved in together early in out relationship, talking honestly about money has always been something Jesse and I have had to navigate together, and for that I'm really thankful. While we're not always on the same page, and it's not always easy we've become pretty good at talking it.

Our only real rule is that all major life and financial decisions have to be made over nachos at our favourite Mexican food place. No seriously, it was in our wedding vows.

Since I'm working hard to work for myself, I'm switching to part time work and am going to rely more on freelance work for my income. Which is amazing! I need more time for blog designs & soon I'll need dedicated time for my etsy shop too. It's been really interesting so far, and we've been making some changes to how we live that I thought might be fun to share. So this is what we've been doing, behind the scenes to streamline our spending…

Travel Smart

With plane fares being what they are in Canada, we have to really limit our travel while we're reducing our spending. We've been a little over zealous with how much we're running around and need to chill out on the spur of the moment road trips and planning big get aways.

What this looks like for us:

  • Paying in advance when we have the money. When we booked our stay at Disney for later this year, we booked the dining plan for the first time which means that our trip & our food were actually paid off in the summer. We can just go and enjoy ourselves without bearing the full cost right after the trip. When we do travel, we book our travel in advance so our expenses are spread out.
  • Take a local holiday. Borrowing a friend's cabin and running away to the lake in the summer sounds just about perfect to me, and there are all kinds of rural bed and breakfasts around that are great options. We don't need to change time zones to have a good break, and this way we can bring the dogs! Hello, no boarding costs!

Pay it off

Jesse and I are very lucky to have little debt. We're really serious about using our credit cards like they're debit cards to build our credit, and to not buy anything we can't pay off in that month. While I don't have great willpower when I see something I love, I can't handle the stress of unpaid bills! But there are definitely places where we can do better.

What this looks like for us:

  • Get rid of a car payment. Because we purchased our car instead of leasing, we'll be paying off one of our cars this year! Switching to only having one car payment is going to be a fantastic feeling and sticking with two cars will keep me from getting bronchitis in the winter (the cold + our transit system's delays = my lungs want to move to California)
  • Bookmark potential purchases into Evernote instead of buying. When I see something great online, I want to make sure I remember it. Instead of buying it, I'm adding them to a notebook in Evernote so I can check back, purchase them later when it's in my budget, and re-direct that impulse to spend.
  • Save for everything else. From vet bills to home repairs and the cars, everything that has the potential to hit hard now has a space in our budget. When something happens (and it will!) we already have a head start, and that gives me a lot of comfort. We're using You Need A Budget to track and put every dollar to use. It uses the simple idea of living on your last month of income, so you never come up short.

Indulge a Little

When our budgets are seriously realigned I'm guilty of getting down on myself and feeling “hard done by”… which generally leads to me wandering through shops and buying jewelry. Having a little wiggle room planned helps me feel pampered and keep me from steamrolling my budget.

What this looks like for us:

  • Streaming seasons of TV shows to catch up on. We've been watching Bones from its first season, one episode a night, and Angela and Hodgins are THE CUTEST EVER. Season two of Buffy The Vampire slayer and early 90's Law and Order are my happy place. Lots of entertainment, and it only costs my internet connection.
  • Buy high quality, low quantity. I can't make a big investment in my closet right now, but I love buying new cardigans and blouses in the fall, so I'm choosing a few vintage or thrifted pieces that will last and leaving it at that.

This is definitely just the tip of the iceberg for us, because we've been making some big shifts lately. We've cut back on going out, we're meal planning, and living with a minimalist mentality. But I love having a plan that reflects how I want my life to be: packed with experiences, light on stuff, and full of happiness.

And also with a bottle of Pinot Noir tucked away near by, just in case.

What's your favourite little indulgence?

Mine is vegan marshmallows, be still my heart!

{image: bugs and fishes}