A weekend of balance

This weekend started hard and ended up restful and fun, homey and active. I put on my Maid of Honour game face and hit a wedding show with friends, had burgers with my pseudo extended step family, and studied up like a thing possessed. I had my bob sheared off, sent out love letters, and cuddled with The Brothers Grimm (aka. the puppies). And the food! I’ve been slowly bidding farewell to foods I won’t be eating in my vegan experiment next month, so it was buttery pasta, pie, and cheese for me.

It was a weekend of shoring myself up in what I know to be true about myself, and of choosing to focus on the things that make me happy and grateful. It was learning that by letting go of the periphery and focusing in on the little life we’re making for ourselves here in the frozen prairie, I can be happy and thankful no matter what.

This weekend, with a new sense of calm I just decided to get on with my life and decide to be happy instead of being overwhelmed by all the challenges that surfaced. So Mister and I stayed inside, laughing too hard and testing out new beers, while an amazing warm spell kissed the city and melted the icicles off our little house.

This weekend was me being thankful for moments of clarity where I can see what really matters.

How was yours?