I’m happiest when I’m working. When I have an idea for a post and I’m rolling over it in my mind, trying to find the right way to approach it and trying to find the right words. When I have a project on the go and ink on my hands, and when I finally find that moment of Ah Ha when everything comes into focus. I’m happiest when I have ideas that make me dream bigger than I thought I could, and that make me so single minded about what I want that I have trouble sleeping.

I’m happiest when I’m learning, so I’m really in heaven when I’m finding teachers.

I try to stay learning all the time, in all of the things that I love. I pour through the archives of blogs I adore, watching to see when what happened as their little projects took on lives of their own. I read the blogs of people who find my corner of the internet and lap up their lives. I listen to how my favourite writers spin their stories, and I read their favourite writers. I’ve started signing up for classes and workshops, to learn from local women who know their stuff and can help me with mine.  I talk with friends who craft and  friends who cook and friends who knit and friends who draw, and eat up the corners of their wisdom. I conspire. I try to trick particularly wonderful people into being mentors, and I try to live in that place of being open to take as much as I can in instead of trying to show what I know.

I think that one of the best things about being an adult is being able to find your own teachers in your everyday life, and I think the best thing about being a blogger or a blog reader these days is having so much of an ability to just pull up a chair beside people you enjoy and listen to for as long as you like.

I find most of my teachers in my friendships and online- how do you find your teachers, and what have you been learning lately?