Thrifting + Flying Solo

This weekend was a thrifting marathon! Leigh-Ann and I work together and live in the same city, but we haven’t hung out a lot this fall since I started my job- and the best way to remedy that is with a thrifting mission. We brought our boys and went through store after store- including a giant warehouse that was mostly unheated and practically a labyrinth! Each floor was all things themed by a different era, and the aisles of furniture were packed SO high! You can see a picture of me trying to scout a credenza for LA without starting a chair avalanche in just over a foot of space on Leigh-Ann’s blog– it was really jaw dropping!

I forgot to bring my camera (of course I did!) but I got some fun shots, including my favourite of this vintage organ. I wish that my life had a “sitar” accompaniment setting, I think it would improve my quality of life immensely.

The major event for this weekend has been Jesse getting ready to work out of province, and I’m excited to learn how to adjust. When he first got his job he worked one week of the month out of Ontario, but that changed right away… and now that he’s had a promotion it’s going to be changing back to splitting his time between two provinces.

I really don’t like being apart, but I’m looking forward to having a week every month of sleeping in and staying up late, having reality TV marathons, and running around between birthday parties and lots of work. Being apart now and then is a nice little reality check, and I’m a firm believer in couples having their own interests and friends so when you come together you have lots to share and can expand each others worlds.

I love meeting him at the airport and hearing his stories, and having my own adventures to report on. And it’s fun to live like a teenager when he’s away! :)

This week is our first apart in a long time and I’m going to try to make it the most fun I can. I have birthday parties and girls nights planned- and since I’m a night owl married to a morning person, I’ve already changed the alarm so it goes off at 7:30 instead of 6:00 AM.

I wonder if he’ll notice if I leave it like that when he comes back…

Fingers crossed for a week that goes smoothly and quickly!