Setting Sail

Lately I feel like I’m about to do so many things. I’m about to figure out how work will mesh with my life, now that the getting to know yous are over. I’m about to go to say good bye to a dear friend, moving to the coast. I’m about to open the book on school again, about to start a hundred thousand projects around the house, about to really dig into my mid-20s…(never mind being about to open a bottle of wine for all the anticipation…)

And I’m pleased to add another thing to the list….

I’m about ready to take my honeymoon – and this time, my work will actually let me take it!

Recently, dreaming about this get away has snuck into the corners of my mind all the time. I didn’t want to wait another year, and then another, and then another to get away – I want to do this now. When we have the money and can just go. When we can make the time and just vanish into blue water for a little while. So why not push for something that’s good for my heart? What’s the harm?

After some interesting exchanges I’ve been able to get five days off work, so we’re taking a Disney Cruise during our one year anniversary in September! We’ll be staying at Disney for 1 night, then heading on a 4 day cruise & staying 2 more nights at a resort. I’ve been to Disneyworld a couple of times, but I’ve never done anything like this and we’ve never gone without all of Mister’s family coming too.

I’m still exactly where I was earlier this week about work, but I’m thankful that the timeline to panic about where my life is headed has at least become slightly less urgent. I can breathe a little in the meantime. Do some yoga. Boil water for tea. Start a book. Pester Emily, Lily & Nora by e-mail. I can squeak through some days or weeks if I need to, knowing that I have this coming.

Mostly I’m ready to push off and see where the wind takes me. I’m ready to explore life some more and I want drift a little too. I’ve been focused on moving forward so fast I haven’t stopped to ask what I’m working towards, and if that is really where my heart is.

Right now I know my heart is with my Mister & my friends. So for now, while those are the only clear things in my mind, I’m letting them lead me. I can think of worse paths to be on, can’t you?

{Image: one}