Poor Little Guys…

Well, I’m afraid that if any of you were holding out hopes that you could cross breed your dachshunds to our Schipperkes – you dreams are being dashed against the rocks as we speak. Today is D-Day for the puppies. They’re officially six months old, have all their teeth and so they’re off to the vet!

We dropped them off this morning and they have to stay overnight, which makes me sad, but it’s giving Mister and I a night off of Puppy Parenthood to go see the new James Bond in the middle of the week, and I’m pretty sure that we’ll get beauty pageant style sashes that read RESPONSIBLE DOG OWNERS! when we go to pick them up, so there’s that to look forward to.

But who wouldn’t miss these guys, even if it is just for a night?

In other Family animal news my sister’s mostly feral orange tom cat came home this weekend dragging his front right leg – the vets were amazing and, through a little cat CSI, think he must have jumped off something very high and broken his leg on impact. They put him under for surgery and found what the vet called the worst leg break on any animal he’s seen in 30 years. Oliver’s elbow wasn’t broken, it was shattered by the landing, and the surrounding muscles and tendons are severely damaged.

I’m going to see him this week, but there was nothing they could do for his leg. We officially own a three legged cat.

I’m bringing him catnip. Once he gets off the kitty morphine I think it’s the only appropriate gift.

Be sweet to your animals today if you have any, and to someone elses if you are without!