It kind of grows on you

Last week we experienced a Chinook that brought the temperature up from -35° C ( -31° F) to -5° C (23° F), and I couldn’t stay inside any longer. I took my camera out and got to it.

10 Things I Love About Winter

  1. You can get away from the cold, but in a 100 year old house without air conditioning you can’t get away from the heat. The winter makes me thankful to be inside, always. I have blankets and a space heater at work. No matter how cold it is, I’m set.
  2. Everyone wants to talk to you. In the summer you can live in your own world. In the winter, that person making room for you in the bus shelter is a really big deal that directly impacts your quality of life. People talk more to each other – we’re survivors, everyone who is surviving is a friend.
  3. Everything is prettier after a snowfall. Light bulbs suddenly look dreamy, everything is quieter from the deadening effect of the snow. You can’t hear the city streets even though we live in the middle of a city neighborhood.
  4. Weight gain becomes relative because of the sweater buffer zone. Is it those chocolate croissants I keep eating? Is it four layers of clothing? Who knows!
  5. I can feel really amazing about myself when you don’t need the sweater buffer zone, which really, I shouldn’t rely on. But come on. My mom & mother in law are both awesome cooks. I can’t impose Skinny Bitch rules in their houses, I swear.
  6. You can survive any weather if you have a neoprene face mask (yep! That’s a picture of me in mine!), and bangs so your face doesn’t freeze as quickly. That’s right. Bangs are function AND fashion.
  7. Cuddling. I’m a cuddle hog, and any change to crawl all over Mister means I’m on it. The winter = I’m on it.

  8. You can watch people playing shinny, or walking to a local rink and feel like you’re in a Tim Horton’s commercial really Canadian.
  9. You have constant material for Twitter. I have a whole page of search results dedicated to “kyla, cold”. I’m trying to complain less, I promise.
  10. You gain appreciation for the summer like you can’t imagine. Summer in The Prairies is like vising paradise, our parks are full from May until November – every day. People start wearing shorts when it’s 0° C out and don’t stop until November. There are parties on decks, porches, at lakes and beaches – that whole half of the year is joy and celebration. And the other half is survival, shinny, and waiting.

And the unofficial #11? Anywhere you move after having lived in The Prairies for any length of time has you hailed as a hero.

The Chinook passed this weekend, so we’re back to Arctic weather – but it was a preview of spring I needed. Hope you’re surviving! February is the end of the worst of this weather, the start of my best friend living 5 blocks from me, and then soon after I’ll be turning 24. It’s going to be an amazing year – I just can’t wait for the thaw in the mean time!

How are you surviving winter? Any tips?