five more minutes?

To say that last week was a roller coaster would an understatement.

It started out horribly, comically bad. Melodramatically, unabashedly bad. Panic inducing, press release writing bad. And then mid week, it became incredibly, wonderfully good. Fairy godmother good. The kind of good that picks you up and whispers to you that those things you’ve been dreaming about? They’re happening. Right here. Immediately. And you’re going to rise to the occasion like you know that you can.

So this weekend when I sat down to write? Forgive me, but my mind is still swimming. So I’m drawing the curtains to keep the sun out, and I’m putting my sleeping mask back on until I’m rested and ready for the world.

I need five more minutes, and then I’ll be ready for the week.

Just five more, I promise.

{image: owlgardens}