All Business & Blogging Posts

Weekly Weak Knees no.21

Weekly Weak Knees is a round up post of the “currently loving” section in my sidebar (plus a few irresistible extras!) where every day I pop in an image and link to something I lovely that I can’t help but share. It’s a pretty feature that feels like I’m passing notes to friends & reader who check my blog every day, and I hope you enjoy […]


Signed Book Giveaway for Hope Dies Last

It’s the best feeling when you can watch your friends spread their winds and take flight. I started reading Eleni’s blog when I first started blogging at and when I heard that she was publishing her first book, I freaked out a little (in the happy way). A book? This is the blogging equivalent of when your friends start […]


Friday Finds Have Wilderness In Their Hearts no. 57

This week I’ve spent lots of time with tiny animals. I’ve been wrangling, cuddling, bribing & generally annoying my feral little dogs which always involves equal parts eye rolling and laughter. And then… A ladybug has turned up, awake and a little confused in my craft room at home. Because I’m an over thinker &  an animal lover (and yes, ladybugs count!) my first thought was that […]


Weekly Weak Knees no.20

Weekly Weak Knees is a round up post of the “currently loving” section in my sidebar, where every day I pop in an image and link to something I lovely that I can’t help but share. It’s a pretty feature that feels like I’m passing notes to friends & reader who check my blog every day, and I hope you enjoy it enough […]