All Business & Blogging Posts Podcast: Episode One

The first podcast is available for the lovely ears of newsletter subscribers! Episode one is an audio version of my pop culture centered talk about blog design from MBlog 2014. (That’s right, the talk I magically didn’t stress about. Still baffled, but grateful!) In this podcast I share the top five blog design villains you’ll see out in the wilds of the […]


Behind the Scenes in Diana’s Creative Life

I’m a passionate about normal people intentionally creating a unique life that they love. The Creative Life interviews are a place to dive into the stories of people in the process of creating inspired lives for themselves- whatever that means to them. Diana is an incredibly talented blogger & photographer I’ve been lucky enough to become friends with. She’s one of those […]


You’ve Got a Superpower, You Just Have To Use It

When I was little, I remember looking around at grown ups and thinking that they seemed like superheroes who had forgotten they had powers. Adults had everything at their fingertips! They could drive cars and travel to anywhere in the world! They could eat whatever they wanted! They didn’t have to spend all day in school! They could dye their […]


Go Out There And Do It

Is there something you wish was part of your life, or that you were brave enough to take on? The trouble is you only get those experiences and bravery when you reach for them! It’s not comfortable because learning to use your wings for the first time uses new, different muscles. You’re going to come out with a few scrapes and […]