Content Marketing Strategy

Our Tattoo Inspired Indie Art

When Leigh-Ann, Jill and I were starting to think about the ways we could grow Indie Business: Compass, our eCourse on establishing a strong foundation for small businesses, we talked about a lot of different ideas that could help make the course stronger. As we talked, we came up with the idea of using old fashioned, seafaring navigation as the inspiration for how we would […]


Coffee Cup Chats

Today I’m over at my friend Becka’s blog, Life as an Artistpreneur talking about making your online world work for your business, and getting comfortable with putting a little bit of your personality on display for your clients or customers. It’s a scary thing for lots of small business owners, but I think the pay off is completely worth facing your […]


Creating A Better Balancing Act

When I started dreaming about quitting my day job to work with Leigh-Ann at Freckled Nest I knew that it would be more than I could imagine. More rewarding, more exciting and at times it’s also been more challenging. The funny thing that I’ve found about owning a business is that many times I’ve found the most challenging thing I […]