Attract your ideal customer

How to get clients on Facebook

Welcome to Ask Kyla, an advice column for small business owners who want to practical steps for a thriving (uncomplicated!) business. Readers submit anonymous questions and get practical, actionable answers about marketing their online business, from Canadian marketing strategist and business coach, Kyla Roma.Is growing your business driving you up the wall? Click here to tell me about it and your question may […]


Can You Make Money From Instagram? How To Attract New Clients In 3 Simple Steps

You love Instagram. It’s one of your favorite platforms for sharing about your business and showing off your photos, but can you really make money from it? The answer is absolutely yes! People everywhere are making money on Instagram every day, and with a little help, you can too! I’ve generated so much money in sales directly from Instagram and […]


How to attract customers who buy your product

Last week I shared why online business owners must separate marketing from publishing in our minds. The quick recap? It’s eating our businesses by limiting the possibilities that we see. Specifically, we start thinking about social media platforms and publishing first, and our business goals second. We need to think bigger than platforms. We need to put our business goals […]


Build hype through a new launch campaign – without annoying your list

One of the main concerns that I hear from clients when we work on the email marketing aspect of their launch campaign strategy is that they don’t like launching because they’re worried about annoying their list. No matter how big your list is, it’s a great instinct to keep your customer’s feelings in mind. Your list is made up of […]



There is ONE simple key to earning money on social media, and it’s what I call a social media micro-funnel. Build yours with me, in this free 100% educational workshop.

Common sense disclaimer: This is not a business opportunity. No income opportunity is being presented in this online class. You are registering for exactly what’s stated – educational training to assist you in getting more customers and members for your existing business. This is in no way associated with or sponsored by Instagram®, Facebook®, Twitter®, Pinterest®, or any other organizations.