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A Never Ending Feast at Table for 1200

How often do you get to go for dinner with 1200 of your closest friends? Maybe your social life is more expansive than mine, but for me the answer is not often! Table for 1200 was held on Saturday, May 31st and it was exactly what it sounds like: dinner for 1200 people, at one giant table! The location was […]


Client Spotlight: Blue Stallion Farm

Reigning from the balmy coast of South Florida, Gany Bernal is a powerhouse for family, social outreach, and her business and home, Blue Stallion Farm. Gany and her husband Jimmie Bernal own and operate the farm where they breed Arabian horses, but they don't stop there – the couple has taken an avid interest in agricultural initiatives and social outreach […]


What it REALLY looks like when I teach online!

Last week I had the opportunity to teach in a video course for the first time. It was really fun, and I shared about everything from how I started working online, and how I use my work day to support sane hours and having a great life alongside owning an online business. During the session, I brought up some thoughts […]


Are You An Email Hoarder?

Now that most inboxes offer search and archive features, there's a new tech trend on the rise: email hoarding. More affectionately called e-hoarding. Did I just say hoarder? Get the camera crew ready for your inbox, girl! You read that right the first time. On average, people have about 8,024 emails in their inbox. That’s a lot of email; do […]


Anxiety, Depression & Adventures in Public Speaking

I don't write about my anxiety and depression as much as I'd like to. Mostly because it's so folded into my experience as a person that I forget other people don't have the same experience. But last week I spoke about design at a MBlog, blogging conference in Winnipeg, and the experience shifted the axis of how I think about […]



There is ONE simple key to earning money on social media, and it’s what I call a social media micro-funnel. Build yours with me, in this free 100% educational workshop.

Common sense disclaimer: This is not a business opportunity. No income opportunity is being presented in this online class. You are registering for exactly what’s stated – educational training to assist you in getting more customers and members for your existing business. This is in no way associated with or sponsored by Instagram®, Facebook®, Twitter®, Pinterest®, or any other organizations.