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Can You Make Money From Instagram? How To Attract New Clients In 3 Simple Steps

You love Instagram. It’s one of your favorite platforms for sharing about your business and showing off your photos, but can you really make money from it? The answer is absolutely yes! People everywhere are making money on Instagram every day, and with a little help, you can too! I’ve generated so much money in sales directly from Instagram and […]


How I Live (Mostly Happily!) with Depression & Generalized Anxiety Disorder

I’ve written about how my story of being diagnosed with Depression and Generalized Anxiety Disorder (GAD) a number of times on this blog, but it’s been a long time since I gave an update. If you’re newer to my blog this post might be a surprise, but I come by my love of psychology, resilience, motivation, and unbridled positivity whenever possible honestly. In 2010, I […]


Why we’ve closed Freckled Nest Design (& what’s next!)

For the past five years I’ve been the co-owner and Managing Director of Freckled Nest Design. While we’ve talked about different possible futures before, the decision to end our partnership and close the company we built together started with a simple comment by Leigh-Ann at the end of a conversation this fall. “I guess at some point we should have the conversation about if we’re […]


My Designer Vaca Experience

This year I’ve made getting outside of my comfort zone, and getting into settings where creative people share ideas a priority. So when registration for Designer Vaca went on sale I knew it was exactly what I was looking for. Designer Vaca is the creation of Promise Tangeman and Alyssa Yuhas, and the idea is to take a vacation in sunny Palm Springs […]


New (prickly!) addition to our family

Sometimes life takes very unexpected turns, and right after my last post my life took an unexpected & delightful one. Also? A little prickly. A pet hedgehog who was abandoned by her owners outside was found in someone’s front yard and taken the the Winnipeg Humane Society. She had been starving for a little while because she never learned to hunt, […]



There is ONE simple key to earning money on social media, and it’s what I call a social media micro-funnel. Build yours with me, in this free 100% educational workshop.

Common sense disclaimer: This is not a business opportunity. No income opportunity is being presented in this online class. You are registering for exactly what’s stated – educational training to assist you in getting more customers and members for your existing business. This is in no way associated with or sponsored by Instagram®, Facebook®, Twitter®, Pinterest®, or any other organizations.