A Bird in the Nest

This weekend when Sunday morning came it was time to take Jesse to the airport so he could go out of town for a business trip. After I dropping him off at the airport I did some errands and stopped by Freckled Nest’s studio to get my camera… but as soon as I walked in there was a commotion at the back of the studio!

I couldn’t see what had made the noise, so I walked towards the back of the space. Nothing happened for my first few steps but then suddenly there was another commotion and I could see what was making the noise- there was a sparrow flying around the back of the studio!

I have no idea how she got inside our studio- but she wasn’t happy about the situation. She was tearing around the space as close to the ceilings as she could get, and I had no idea what to do. I couldn’t leave until I got her out, but our ceilings are high and there was no way I’d be able to catch her with a blanket like the internet was suggesting.

I wasn’t sure what to do, but it was clear she’d been inside for a while and was stressed so I got a bowl of water and granola bar, and placed them in a spot she’d landed on before so she would be likely to explore the food & be more comfortable because of it. It didn’t take any convincing to get her eating, just a little sitting still. After watching her eat for a little while I came up with a very simple plan- I’d interrupt her & open the door so she could fly out when she came back for more food!

It took a lot longer to get her outside than I expected, but it wasn’t for lack of her landing on the granola bar & snacking. She was very dear, but had a very one track mind. After 15 mins or so she landed on the granola bar again, but this time she looked out the door and saw the rest of the world! She took off with a big swoop up towards the sky and was gone before I could blink.

Leigh-Ann and I love having guests at the studio, but this is not what I had in mind! Maybe she saw the birds in my tattoo through the window last week, or maybe the name Freckled Nest on the window sounded inviting to her? :)